May 24, 2012

21/52: Delicious

I was going to photograph an apple for this prompt, since I had an apple. :)
These photos just came to me after I tried, and failed, at photographing an apple. I am loving the squirrel shot! These squirrels were going crazy and letting me come up to them just inches away! There were a ton! Then one came down to get a DELICIOUS drink of water. :) He must have been thirsty because he was drinking for a while!

I am from Texas and you can't go wrong with some DELICIOUS sweet tea! YUM!


May 18, 2012

20/52: Nurture

Automatically I thought of my son when I saw the prompt for this weeks. He is growing up so fast. In August he will hopefully be starting school. We don't cuddle as much as we used to. :( Him and his daddy have becoming more close. 

We decided for the summer we will give Jace a mohawk like his daddy has had for sometime. (I think it is sexy on my husband) It is super cute on Jace!

Isn't he cute? <3


May 10, 2012

19/52: Photographer choice.

So I had not pulled out my camera until Jan posted on Facebook about enjoying this weeks freedom. I went outside with the boys I watch and decided this is my life why not just take photos of them.
They were loving the camera so I had to snap quickly. 
He loves this truck!

brothers.. very cute photo, I think.

My goof he is such a cutie!
Love that smile.
I wouldn't have posted this on but his face is so funny I had to. :)


May 5, 2012

18/52: Morning

This week I will actually get to link up since I stayed somewhat on track this week. I am not what so ever a morning person. I have a hard time to get dressed so I can take my dog, Lexi, out to potty. (just one bad thing about living in an apartment) This morning I had to run some errands, so I was out of the house about 9:45. To my surprise it had rained and this was on my window of my van.

Please, take a look at my previous weeks that I didn't get to link up. Here are some more photos from last weeks prompt.

